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Arenal Volcano Hike Tour


You’ll travel by minutes 25 minutes to the far west side of the Arenal Volcano to begin the tour in Arenal National Park. You’ll cross the river, and spend about 2 hours exploring the park. Your expert bilingual naturalist guide will find the animals, point out indigenous rain forest plants, and educate you on a few.

Frequent sightings include: monkeys, wild boars, two types of toucans, White-Nosed Coatis Oro Pendulas, Golden Eyelash Vipers, Boa Constrictors, and Great Curassows.

Your reward at the end of this trail is the path created by the 1992 lava flows. You have time to explore, and your guide explains the history of this magnificent volcano. One of the day’s highlights is the spectacular hilltop view of the sunset over Lake Arenal.


After the hike, enjoy a beverage and listen to the extraordinary sounds of the volcano. And if the cloud cover is high enough, you’ll witness a dazzling display of falling lava rocks. You’ll hear the sounds of the rain forest, to the accompaniment of frogs, toucans, insects, and thousands of lightning bugs.

Your tour can end here, or you can continue with a refreshing three hour thermal hot springs visit. Tabacon Resort is the number one attraction in Costa Rica, and considered by many the most beautiful hot springs in the world.

Choose from 4 options:

1. The hike
2. The hike PLUS Tabacon’s Natural River Hot Springs
3. The hike PLUS Tabacon Resort Spa
4. The hike PLUS Tabacon Resort Spa & Buffet Dinner






All tour options include the national park entrance fee, beverages, on expert bilingual naturalist guide and round-trip transportation.

This tour is more expensive because part of your fee helps support Costa Rica’s national park system. Sunset Tours is committed to the conservation and reforestation of Costa Rica. No other tour offers access to the national park, lets you explore the lava fields and see the sunset and night view of Lake Arenal!

Bring hiking shoes and (during the rainy season, sandals to cross the river and keep your hiking shoes dry), camera with plenty of film, binoculars, poncho and insect repellent.

The park trail is wide and flat making it easy for any fitness level.

More Information: If your need more information, please write to: [email protected] or contact us through our hotel-reservations

Arenal Volcano Tour Arenal National Park arenal volcano hiking tour la fortuna arenal volcano costa rica arenal volcano hiking tour la fortuna costa rica arenal volcano hot springs la fortuna costa rica









Linea sin costo: 1-877-281-8515
Costa Rica: (506) 2233-5151
Fax: (506) 2233-5284

Fuera del horario regular y fines de semana: (506) 2257-4171

E-mail: [email protected]
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