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Palo Verde

national parkPalo Verde National Park is a wildlife refuge located between Tempisque and Bebedero rivers. In this park we can find the biggest area of wetlands in Costa Rica. The name of the park comes from the “palo verde”. In English it is known as horse bean, but its name literally means “green stick” as the leaves, branches and trunk of this thorny shrub are all green. It also has delicate, yellow flowers.

Scientists from all over the world come to study this rich ecosystem that combines rivers, marshland, mangroves and dry forest. During the bus ride, we will travel through a changing countryside of savannas, plantations, and little villages.

After boarding the boat, that will takes us up the river, we will be able to admire the natural beauty of this park, including wildlife; such as huge crocodiles resting under the sun, groups of monkeys moving quickly between the branches, while our boat takes you on a floating safari adventure through Tropical Forest.

Some birds are resident in the area and it is possible to see hundreds of them like: Anhinga or “Snake Bird”, Roseate Spoonbill, Wood Storks and the Jabiru which is the largest bird in Central America and very endangered. Also we can see the Olivaceous Cormorant, the White Ibis, Blue Herons and much more.

This trip includes Costa Rican typical food for lunch , regional fruits, natural juices and bottled water. Do not forget to bring light clothing, sun cream, insect repellent, binoculars and a camera since picturing wildlife is very easy in the abundance of this sanctuary of nature.


Linea sin costo: 1-877-281-8515
Costa Rica: (506) 2233-5151
Fax: (506) 2233-5284

Fuera del horario regular y fines de semana: (506) 2257-4171

E-mail: [email protected]
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