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Venado Caves

cavesThis tour leaves from La Fortuna at 8: 00 a.m. for a one-hour transfer to the Venado Village. The caves were formed during the Miocene period, 15 or 20 million years ago. For many years they were under sea level and due to tectonic movements they surfaced. The Guatuzos aborigines discovered the caves. Limestone rocks, stalactites, stalagmites and corals, form most of the caves. The whimsical stone formations are formed by the underground river.

The length of the tour into the caves is 1 ½ hour, during this time we will find marine fossils, and also bats, spiders and crickets. Because we will have to walk through the river and waterfalls from the upper part of the cave, we recommend our customers to take light clothes, hiking shoes and extra clothes to be able to change when they finish the exploration of the caves.

The equipment for the tour will be provided and it includes:
° Flashlights
° Helmets
° Cords
° Rubber Boots (optional)

The tour also includes:
° Round trip transportation from hotel.
° Bilingual guide (English - Spanish).
° Water, refreshments and cookies.
° Entrance fee to the caves.


Linea sin costo: 1-877-281-8515
Costa Rica: (506) 2233-5151
Fax: (506) 2233-5284

Fuera del horario regular y fines de semana: (506) 2257-4171

E-mail: [email protected]
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